“Empowering victim survivors of sex trafficking with the opportunity to heal and recapture the most basic of human rights, freedom and hope.”
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Transitions Cambodia, Inc.’s Mission

Our mission statement is simple – Transitions Cambodia, Inc. works - “Empowering victims of sexual trafficking with the opportunity and processes to heal from the past, focus on the present, and pursue the future” The word transitions in Khmer “an-ta-rak-peap” means crossing over from one place to another. At TCI we believe that the imperative goal is not to remove a girl from one form of abuse, only to place her into a situation that will further her abuse or trauma. While shelters provide some necessary services to a small percentage of trafficking victims, it has a limited application. Research and experience has shown that young women coming from sexually exploitive situations are in need of being involved in making decisions in regard to their own futures. They need to have a broader scope of expression in their living situations, community, and family environments. We work with our clients to help them discover themselves, explore their possibilities, and begin the process of crossing from one place to a better place. TCI’s aim is to successfully help our clients breach the chasm from victim survivor to a healthy, independent functioning adult. The Solution ...
Cambodian Brothel
Learn more about sex trafficking
Clients on a field trip.
Some of the reasons we care. Our clients on a field trip.*
* Please note that the client's faces have been blurred to protect their privacy.
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Transitions Cambodia, Inc.’s Goals

The long-term goal for Transitions Cambodia, Inc. is to see sufficient infrastructure and services provided to victims of sexual trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. Our desire is to work alongside the Cambodian government and other non-governmental organizations to develop a strong network of services and support to this highly vulnerable demographic. As prevention and intervention services continue to increase, the necessary support networks for victim survivors after intervention services are provided are limited. We believe that our presence, work, and progress has had an impact and continues to set the bar and standard of excellence in quality aftercare.

Objectives of TCI’s Transitional Home

The two central objectives for TCI are rehabilitation and reintegration. By definition, rehabilitation is the process “to restore or bring to a condition of good health, ability to work, or productive activity.” For our purposes, rehabilitation is the process of providing shelter, medical care, dental care, counseling and therapy, healthy nutrition, fitness, and intellectual activities to assist our clients in recovering from the effects of sexual exploitation and abuse. These aspects are fairly comprehensive and time consuming. The first couple of months with a new client are utilized in providing medical and dental care, as well as, beginning the process of social work and counseling.

In conjunction with rehabilitation, the more intensive facet of TCI’s objectives is the area of reintegration. To reintegrate, by definition, is “to restore to a unified state”. This is a very involved process when talking about victims of sexual trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. This reintegrative process involves restoring our clients to themselves, their family, community, and the broader society. Cultural stigma, self-esteem, and life circumstances can play a serious role in the success or failure of reintegration. We have done extensive work in this area and have developed a program that works.

The objective goals are:

  • Reintegrate victim survivors of trafficking and exploitation back into Cambodian society, with a preference for reintegration back into their community of origin. This will be done in cooperation and conjunction with the UNICEF/Ministry of Social Affairs reintegration program.

  • To promote a better understanding among governmental bodies regarding the needs, process, and necessary infrastructure in dealing with rehabilitation and reintegration of victim survivors of sexual trafficking, exploitation, and abuse.

  • To generate immediate and adequate services to clients meeting our criteria.

  • To develop a concrete action plan for our own organization, as well as, partner organizations, and to implement policy recommendations to pertinent governmental ministries regarding rehabilitation and reintegration.

Copyright©2007 Transitions Cambodia Inc.
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